📄️ WasmEdge C SDK Introduction
The WasmEdge C API denotes an interface to embed the WasmEdge runtime into a C program. The following is the quick start guide for working with the C APIs of WasmEdge. For the details of the WasmEdge C API, please refer to the complete documentation. Before programming with the WasmEdge C API, please install WasmEdge first.
📄️ Use WasmEdge Library
When programming with WasmEdge C API, developers should include the required headers and link with the WasmEdge Library. Besides install WasmEdge with the WasmEdge shared library, developers can also build WasmEdge to generate the WasmEdge static library.
📄️ Host Functions
Host functions are the functions outside WebAssembly and are passed to WASM modules as imports. The following steps give an example of implementing host functions and registering a host module into the WasmEdge runtime.
📄️ Customized External References
External References denotes an opaque and unforgettable reference to a host object. A new externref type can be passed into a WASM module or returned. The WASM module cannot reveal an externref value's bit pattern nor create a fake host reference by an integer value.
📄️ Multiple WASM Module Example
For those WASM modules that export their functions, the other WASM modules can import them as a library.
🗃️ API Reference
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