📄️ Introduction
WasmEdge could be integrated with the existing cloud-native infra seamlessly. So developers can leverage container tools such as Kubernetes, Docker, and CRI-O to deploy, manage, and run lightweight WebAssembly applications. This chapter will demonstrate how Kubernetes ecosystem tools work with WasmEdge WebAssembly applications.
📄️ Docker + Wasm
Docker announced its support for WebAssembly in partnership with WasmEdge. Now we can use one single command line docker compose up to run WASM Apps.
📄️ Podman
Fedora Platform
🗃️ Low level runtime support
3 個項目
📄️ Using WasmEdge in Docker
What is the WasmEdge DockerSlim
🗃️ High level runtime support
3 個項目
🗃️ Kubernetes Use Cases
11 個項目