Build with WASI-Crypto Plug-in
Currently, WasmEdge used OpenSSL 1.1
or 3.0
for the WASI-Crypto implementation.
For installing OpenSSL 1.1
development package on Ubuntu 20.04
, we recommend the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
For legacy systems such as CensOS 7.6
, or if you want to build OpenSSL 1.1
from source, you can refer to the following commands:
# Download and extract the OpenSSL source to the current directory.
curl -s -L -O --remote-name-all
echo "40dceb51a4f6a5275bde0e6bf20ef4b91bfc32ed57c0552e2e8e15463372b17a openssl-1.1.1n.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
tar -xf openssl-1.1.1n.tar.gz
cd ./openssl-1.1.1n
# OpenSSL configure need newer perl.
curl -s -L -O --remote-name-all
tar -xf perl-5.34.0.tar.gz
cd perl-5.34.0
mkdir localperl
./Configure -des -Dprefix=$(pwd)/localperl/
make -j
make install
export PATH="$(pwd)/localperl/bin/:$PATH"
cd ..
# Configure by previous perl.
mkdir openssl
./perl-5.34.0/localperl/bin/perl ./config --prefix=$(pwd)/openssl --openssldir=$(pwd)/openssl
make -j
make test
make install
cd ..
# The OpenSSL installation directory is at `$(pwd)/openssl-1.1.1n/openssl`.
# Then you can use the `-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=` option of cmake to assign the directory.
For MacOS platforms, you should install the openssl
brew install openssl
We'll soon update this chapter to use OpenSSL 3.0
Build WasmEdge with WASI-Crypto Plug-in
To enable the WasmEdge WASI-Crypto, developers need to building the WasmEdge from source with the cmake option -DWASMEDGE_PLUGIN_WASI_CRYPTO=ON
cd <path/to/your/wasmedge/source/folder>
# For using self-get OpenSSL, you can assign the cmake option `-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/openssl>`.
# On MacOS, it may be: `-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl`
cmake --build build
# For the WASI-Crypto plug-in, you should install this project.
cmake --install build
If the built wasmedge
CLI tool cannot find the WASI-Crypto plug-in, you can set the WASMEDGE_PLUGIN_PATH
environment variable to the plug-in installation path (such as /usr/local/lib/wasmedge/
, or the built plug-in path build/plugins/wasi_crypto/
) to try to fix this issue.
Then you will have an executable wasmedge
runtime under /usr/local/bin
and the WASI-Crypto plug-in under /usr/local/lib/wasmedge/
after installation.