
8.6.1 Deploy with containerd's runwasi


Work in Progress

The containerd-shim runwasi project supports WasmEdge.


  1. Install Rust because we need to compile the runwasi project.

  2. Install WasmEdge

    Run the following command lines to install WasmEdge.

    curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge/master/utils/install.sh | bash
    sudo -E sh -c 'echo "$HOME/.wasmedge/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libwasmedge.conf'
    sudo ldconfig
  3. Download the runwasi project and test

    After that, run the following command line to download the runwasi project and test.

    $ git clone https://github.com/second-state/runwasi.git
    $ cd runwasi
    $ cargo test -- --nocapture
    # the output should be the following connent.
    running 3 tests
    test instance::tests::test_maybe_open_stdio ... ok
    test instance::wasitest::test_delete_after_create ... ok
    test instance::wasitest::test_wasi ... ok
  4. Build the wasmedge-containerd-shim

    rustup default nightly
    make build FEATURES=wasmedge
    sudo make install RUNTIME=wasmedge

Run a simple Wasi app


Work in Progress